Sunday Post #2

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.

Happy Sunday y'all!  Who else is as excited as I am about the holiday season finally being here?  If you watched my last video, then you know that we already have our Christmas tree up.  It's our family tradition to put up the tree after Halloween.  It's early for some, but perfect timing for us.  I've even started putting presents underneath.

Happy Sunday! Thanks for joining me for another Sunday Post. Drop by the blog and let's catchup!

Speaking of holidays, this year's Thanksgiving is bittersweet because it will be our last in the city.  We're moving next year!  It's exciting and feels great to be moving back to my hometown and closer to my family, but I'm going to miss all of my different library branches, being able to go to Target everyday if I want to and some of the blogging friends I've made here.  The plus sides of being back home though is that I'll have a better support system, they'll be a new segment and guest coming to the vlog early next Fall and my mom will be my librarian!  Yep, I'm the daughter of a librarian.

On The Blog Last Week

I'm so happy to be back writing on this blog.  I had put it on the back burner a while back because I wanted to really get a sense of what my plans were for this space.  Not to mention, life was throwing me and my family some major curve balls behind the scene and my depression flared up.  However, I'm not one to stay down long.  So, here's what you've missed if this is your first time here:

On The Blog This Week

My editorial calendar for next week is full.  I've been trying to write in batches and schedule what I can.   Be sure to follow me on Bloglovin so that you won't miss out on any posts.  Or you could sign up here to get all of my posts delivered to your inbox weekly.  Anyways, here's what you can expect to see on the blog this week:

Around The Internet

Here are a few of my favorite posts and videos on the net right now:

Currently Reading

ARCs of the Week

What's new in your world?  Any special plans for Thanksgiving?  Let me know in the comments!

Sunday Post is a weekly meme created by Caffeinated Book Review.


  1. Moving can be equal parts thrilling...and terrifying, ha! Best of luck with the big move! I do love Christmas, but when I was growing up our tree never went up more than two weeks before Christmas - we did have real trees, though, so they would never have lasted much longer than that! Santa is already at our local shopping mall, so that's always a sign that the holidays are nearly here again!!

  2. Thanks! I do miss having a real tree for Christmas. I'm thinking we might get a real tree next year though.
