TBB Asks | Giving Thanks Edition

It's that time again!  I really do enjoy doing these TBB Asks questionnaires.  They're a lot of fun and I love scrolling through the link up and seeing some of the other bloggers' responses. 

This month's questionnaire is all about gratitude and Thanksgiving.  But before we get the Q&A, I just wanted to give you all a heads up that there are some affiliate links below and I may make a commission off of any purchases made through those links.  Now on with the q&a session.

Thankful Q&A

Have you ever kept a Gratitude Journal? Yes or No?

Yes, I've kept a gratitude journal since I was a teenager.  Keeping track of all the things that I have to be grateful has been a great way to keep myself humble.  It's also been a great resource to look back in when I get in my feelings and feel tempted to complain about all the things I don't have or aren't going right. 

Keeping a gratitude journal is definitely something that I'd recommend everyone try doing for at least a year.  Then at the end of the year go back through and remind yourself of all the wonderful things, people, and events that filled your heart, lifted your spirit, or enriched your life in some way.

Hosting Thanksgiving at your house? Yes or No?

Not this year.  Thanksgiving dinner is held back in my hometown.  We usually start at my mom's and then go around visiting with my aunts.  I didn't go home for Thanksgiving last year though because my family wanted to shop and I don't believe in shopping on Thanksgiving or Christmas day.  Having worked in retail, I know many of those workers would rather be home with their families and not spending it with strangers. 

Plus, those sales are no place for kids.  Y'all have seen the videos on the news these past few years of all the foolishness that breaks out at these sales.  So, we'll be staying home again this year.  The kids will help me cook, we'll watch the parade, and then light up the Christmas tree and binge-watch Christmas movies.

Favorite food from the Thanksgiving meal?

Would I sound greedy is I said all of it?!  If I had to choose just one, it would be my baked macaroni and cheese.  I've finally nailed down my signature recipe.  Also, because the kids have a dairy allergy, I don't get to make it a lot through the year because it'd mostly be just me eating it. 

I'm really looking forward to it as I haven't made any baked macaroni this year yet!!  

What one thing in Nature are you most grateful for?

The leaves changing colors is one of my favorite things about Fall.  I love watching the leaves fo from greens to yellows, burnt oranges, and stunning burgundy reds.

Pumpkin Pie: Yes or No?

I actually enjoy making pumpkin pie.  I think it gets a bad rap compared to sweet potato pie because a lot of people don't take the time to season their pumpkin right.  After years of experimenting, I finally have my recipe down for this as well.  It's always a crowd favorite.

Traditional Cookbook? Yes or No?

I've never used a cookbook for holiday dinners.  Most of my recipes I've learned from watching and helping my mom.  The rest I've experimented with until I got them right.  Next year, the kids have requested that we shake things up, so I might be using cookbooks.  However, since we want steer away from the traditional, we probably won't be using any traditional cookbooks then either.

Thanksgiving leftovers: Yes or No?

I'm definitely Team Yes when it comes to Thanksgiving leftovers.  The food just tastes better when it's had 24 hours to sit.  Those seasoning and juices really get to seep and absorb even more.

What is one household product you are most grateful for?

Do Christmas trees count because if so then that's my answer.  Our tree is already up and decorated.  Every evening we've been plugging up it up and cuddling on the couch to watch Christmas movies.  It's been a wonderful way to end our day.  The star on top is a reminder of the North Star and how the wise men followed it to find Baby Jesus.

Are you most grateful for homecooked meals or restaurant meals?

Homecooked meals for sure.  I love cooking.  For me, cooking is both a way I like to express and receive love.  Making meals for my family gives me so much joy.
Well, that's it for this month's question and answer session.   Happy Holidays!  Don't forget to check out the linkup here to see how other bloggers give thanks.

How do you celebrate Thanksgiving?

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